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Information for AmE Authors

On the following pages, please find information for authors of the Automotive meets Electronics Symposium.

1. Contribution for the conference proceedings
Would you please send your final paper, maximum 6 pages including text and images, by January 29, 2024, to the address of the GMM,

We also offer you the option of submitting your contribution in English language. All contributions submitted in English will not only appear in the conference proceedings published by VDE-Verlag, but will also be posted in IEEE Xplore.

When preparing your contribution, please refrain from advertising content and pure product presentations. The content presented should reflect the character of a scientific conference. Slide collections will not be accepted as contributions to conference proceedings.

You can download the writing instructions and templates from the following link:

The conference proceedings will be made available to conference participants as a download.

2. Copyright
By submitting your contribution, you agree to accept the copyright agreement. You can find the copyright agreement under the link

Call for Papers

Icon Autoren

Submission of Abstracts

Please submit your abstracts by October 11, 2019.  

You can submit either a summary of at least 800 words or a full paper. Shorter submissions will not be considered. Your abstract is supposed to include figures, diagrams and formatted text as pdf-file. Commercial papers, papers with no new research/ development content and papers where significant information is missing will not be accepted. 

Please use the following
link for your abstract submission

Submission of Papers for the Proceedings

Please submit your final paper by January 12, 2020.  
The length of the final version should not exceed six pages. Contributions can be submitted in English or German language. English contributions will be made available via IEEE Xplore. Contributions for presentations and posters will be treated equally in the proceedings - both are going to be published as a GMM-Fachbericht by VDE Verlag.